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Here is a small collection of WJMA promotional announcements. Most of these commercials are from the 1970s. These audio files are saved in the MP3 format. If you have additional information on any of the promos, please send them to the webmaster.
In the early 1970s Russ Roberts was the host of a Sunday evening talk show called Air Line. It's interesting to note that after he left WJMA, Russ became a commercial air line pilot. He now flies for Delta Airlines.
Along with Air Line on Sunday night was the People's Choice program. Here's a promo from the late Bob Barnett. And here's another People's Choice promo from Bob.
WJMA's news department was started by Chet Burgess in 1973. Here's a news promo voiced by Chet.
Chet Hagan retired to Orange County after a career with NBC news as a reporter and producer. He was originally a producer for NBC radio's News of the World radio show in 1949. He won an Emmy for Flight of Friendship 7 and for coverage of Congressional testimony on Vietnam.He received a Peabody for a 1963 civil rights program. He received several Sylvania awards for 1962 coverage of the first US space shot and coverage of Nikita Krushchev's 1959 visit to the US. He also wrote two books about county music and a horror novel called The Witching. He was the producer for many country music programs. For a while in the mid-1970s Chet gave WJMA listeners his view of television with a weekly commentary called Eye on the Tube.
Russ Roberts voices this promo for WJMA's Fall 1974 sports programs.
American Country Countdown was the country counterpart to American Top 40. WJMA listeners could win a copy of the program. This promo is voiced by Ross Hunter.
We have two promos for WJMA's highly regarded program Monday At One. These two promos give a hint to the wide variety of subjects covered by Monday At One. The first is from Chet Burgess, the second is from Ross Hunter.
There are two promos for WJMA New Years Marathon programming. The first promo is for a program of 500 songs. It's voiced by Gary Gardner. The second is for Russ Roberts attempt to say on the air for 48 consecutive hours. This second promo was done in the style of 1960s records that used bits of popular songs. Voices in this 4 minute promo include Ross Hunter, Gary Gardner, Jean Love and Arch Harrison.
Classical music was a part of WJMA's evening programming for many years on Night Music hosted by Les Myers. We have two promos from Les. The first is from December 30, 1975. The second is undated.
Here's a general station promo featuring the voices of WJMA listeners. The announcer is Ross Hunter.
A 1976 tongue-in-cheek promo for Historic Radio Orange for use during the American Bicentennial.