The WJMA control room in October 1970. The control board is a Gates SA-40. It was replaced in 1971. The control room faces Studio A and Spicers Mill Road. To the left is a rack of tape cartridges most of which were probably commercials. At the left side of the picture are two equipment racks. The one on the far left held audio monitoring and processing equipment. The two light color items in the left rack are CBS Labs Audimax and Volumax audio processors to boost the AM signal.
There are two Ampex reel-to-reel tape machines in the righthand rack. At the bottom of the rack are two FM receivers. They were used to pickup up relays of sports broadcasts from distant FM stations. Just above the cart rack is the direction controller for the rooftop antenna so it could be pointed at the desidred FM station. The advent of satellite distribution in the late 1970s emiminated the need for FM relays.
Les Myers photo